Meet Nancy

Nancy Haggerty


Meet Nancy Haggerty, a former Miss Fitness competitor, seasoned entrepreneur...and the heart and soul behind Nancy's Closet AZ. Since 2015, this long-standing community outreach – now a bona fide 501(c)(3) “online Mom Warrior marketplace - has served as a testament to Nancy's vision and her relentless dedication to single mothers and their children.

A Message from Nancy...

“Mom Warriors, I may not know your name, but I DO know your pain.

I too was a single mom – more than once – and raised by a single parent.

Let’s face it, we’re bootstraps women known for keeping our noses to the grindstone and getting’ er done – against all odds and adversity.

I know what it’s like to be dog tired, scared, having too much month at the end of the money; when you feel you don’t have all the answers and it doesn’t make sense; when it’s all-too-consuming – yet it all depends on you: Like Atlas and the weight of the world on your shoulders.

As you read this, I stand here today as a living testament with a word of encouragement to…

  • Not lose hope
  • Know you’re not alone
  • And that things will get better…as long as you continue making it a habit to 'Choose the Better thing'. This moment is the start of that journey for ya!

Faith is hope in the works. Just the mere fact that you’re here, is 'faith in action' in its purest form.

If you are one of these 'mom warriors' who can relate all-too-well with what I just shared, rest assured, your time will be well-spent. Our intent before you leave – whether viewing online or attending in-person - is to feel seen, celebrated, connected, refreshed, and equipped to take on whatever comes your way!

Together…we got this!



P.S. I don’t profess to know everything (and, let’s face it, no one likes a “know-it-all”). I do, however, commit - with the help of my amazing teammates – to doing our very best to get you the quality information, service, connection, product and/or resource you sought us out for in the first place.

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