Nancy's Closet (a 501(c)(3) private foundation and a subsidiary of Marketplace Matters) started as a home-based clothing resource center: a way to reciprocate community to those in need without all the red tape involved in having to “demonstrate” a need, due to a personal encounter Nancy (the founder) had with a young girl who reminded her of herself at that age…and in the same situation.
Throughout the tireless commitment and chaos that comes with maintaining a retail space and household name on a shoestring budget also came the common denominator: single moms and their ongoing struggles that weren’t getting met. Little did they know that “clothing the community” was just the beginning of something much bigger to come.
As of 2022, its Single Moms Coalition - a rebranded initiative that operates under a simple yet powerful tagline - "Helping Mom Warriors find their connection at a time" – exists to provide single parents with viable resources, services, guidance, or a much-needed friendship to link arms with, via their virtual marketplace community, seasonal outreach efforts, and local venue events, held multiple times throughout the year.
Strategically aligning themselves with the best professionals and products, this organization is now a vibrant ecosystem where leadership meets compassion, creating a positive ripple effect throughout the East Valley.
Celebrating its ninth anniversary this year, Nancy's Closet has served the Queen Creek community with passion and purpose, echoing the words of its founder, "The more we can get the word out of the services we provide, the more families we can help to make a difference – in our own backyards – and beyond."
So, stick around, browse what we have to offer, or drop us a line and we’ll do our very best to assist! Whether it’s urgent, just shopping around, or feeling a desire to connect – our goal before you leave is to feel seen, supported, and celebrated!
(NOTE: Nancy’s Closet AZ is an extension of our existing 2009 business & leadership ministry, Marketplace Matters: Equipping business owners and leaders with the necessary tools to live out their faith, and develop a Kingdom Purpose out in the Marketplace.) For more info., visit:
Since 2015, Nancy's Closet AZ was created as a neighborhood resource center where the community can pool their assets to be able to give back and forth to each other on a residual basis, to assist with employment, education, and basic domestic needs. Their recent re-branding has since fine-tuned its efforts to focus primarily on single-parent households.
We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you're looking for and we’ll do our best to deliver!
Nancy's Closet AZ
"Helping Mom Warriors find their connection at a time!"